JFK History Maker

Marc Schulman

Marc Schulman has authored 20 CD Roms on American and World History, including a multimedia biography of JFK written almost 20 years ago. He is the primary editor of Historycentral.com the largest history web site. Marc Schulman has taught history to a very wide range of schools from Middle School to Colleges. He holds a BA and MA from Columbia University.

JFK Historymaker A 50 Year Retrropective by Marc Schulman



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JFK History Maker is a masterpiece of astonishing research and information lending new insights into the man, the president and the icon. This authoritative compilation is an ideal reference source for students and laypersons, containing extensive biographical information as well as a plethora of high-resolution photographs offering a peek at the people and places figuring in the stages of JFK's private life. Additionally, the book provides texts from many of JFK's key speeches, and detailed excerpts from his daily White House schedule. The detail of the schedule and the scope of JFK's day-to-day engagements are a unique vista into the issues confronting him during his presidency.

Much of this material is newly declassified and was compiled by veteran JFK historian Marc Schulman from hundreds of hours of National Archives video clips and archived materials in the Library of Congress and the Kennedy Library. While the material is extensive, it is extremely readable and organized for easy reference.

This solid, encompassing piece of research is a marvelous addition to the collection of biographies on JFK. If you must limit yourself to one selection, this book should be at the top of your list.

Also available a version for chidlren as an iPad app or as Mac Osx app.

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All electronic editions are $4.99.

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JFK History Maker - Marc Schulman

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