Book Publishing

Our most recent division is our growing publishing department. This division is primarily an electronic book publishing unit, with the expertise to print physical books, when appropriate, as well. We believe the future of the books is primarily digital. Each content resource we have, or is submitted to us, is evaluated individually to assess the optimal methods of conveying that informationbe they book, app, and or web..

Forbidden Strawberries
This book is the riveting auto-biography of Cipora Hurwitz, an innocent young girl caught up in the Maelstrom of the Holocaust.
Cipora, as yet a young child and an orphan, was miraculously saved after surviving the Budzyn camps and the Majdanek extermination camp. The author relates the story of her life during the Holocaust to a delegation of Hashomer Hatzair youth and Israeli High School students on a mission to the death camps in Poland.(November 2010)More
JFK Historymaker a 50 Year Retrospective

JFK History Maker is a masterpiece research and information lending new insights into the man, the president and the icon. This authoritative compilation is an ideal reference source for students and laypersons, containing extensive biographical information as well as a plethora of high-resolution photographs offering a peek at the people and places figuring in the stages of JFK 's private life. More

Jews Without Power
Written by Dr. Ariel Hurwitz, JEWS WITHOUT POWER,American Jewry During the Hololcuast, provides a fresh and different perspective on the role of American Jewry during the Holocaust. Dr. Hurwitz contradicts much of the prevailing of wisdom that American Jewry shared in the fate of the Jews Europe, by not having taken sufficient action. His well researched chronicle shows how powerless American Jewry was during this period. More

Funding Evil
Written by Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, JEWS WITHOUT POWER,Funding Evil draws a roadmap illustrating how terrorist organizations -especially Islamist terror organizations are funded. It exposes the most vital and venemous sources of terror organizations.
In this latest edition, Dr. Ehrenfeld describes what it took to successfully challenged the lawfare launched by Saudi financier of al- Qaeda, as a weapon to silence her and others from exposing him and his ilk. More

American Presidential Elections: From George Washington to Barack Obama is a comprehensive reference on American elections. The book contains overviews of the issues and events of every election in US history, including charts with popular votes, electoral votes, and states carried. The election summary also includes information on party conventions The book open with a section explaining how elections take place, why people vote and other issues in elections. More The Banality of Suicide Terrorism
Written by Dr. Nancy Hartevelt, Terrorist organizations have been able to market mass murder under hysteria’s banner of alleged martyrdom. However, when it comes to understanding Islamic suicide terrorism in particular, there is much more to it than martyrdom. In this groundbreaking book, Nancy Kobrin dismantles the psychological dynamics of suicide terrorism to help the reader gain a new perspective on one of the most destructive forces the world has witnessed to date.
. More
Penetrating the Terrorist PsycheThis groundbreaking book takes the reader to a different level of understanding the terrorist psyche as it explores the darkness of Islamic suicide terrorism and its global implications through the first-person lens of a psychoanalyst turned counter-terrorist expert. What informs this innovative psychological anthropologic study is the author’s deepening awareness that within the highly popular field of terrorism studies, as well as journalistic writings on the subject, there has been little serious discussion concerning early childhood development and the terrors of the terrorist. . More    
For Authors
If you are an author and have a book on history or current events we will be happy to look at you manuscript. Depending on the content we will discuss whether it should be published only electronically or electronically and in a paper edition. We have the expertise to help find appropriate photographs for your book. We offer editorial and graphic services and we split the net income of the product with the author. Please contact us for further information.
MultiEducator, Inc./180 E Prospect Ave, Mamaroneck, NY 10543/914-235-4340/